About Us

Founded in 2021 by Monica, her father Chris Sr, and joined by Chris Jr, the Zelesnick family has over 75 years of combined experience with animals. You’ll have peace of mind knowing your loved fur-royalty is in the hands of knowledgeable animal lovers! 

About the Owners


Hello! I am one of the founders and owners of Regal Paws Resort along with my dad Chris Sr. and my brother Chris! I have owned pets all my life, been an equestrian since I was 11, and have over 18 years of working experience with animals of all kinds! I currently have a one-eyed senior cat named Gary that I rescued from near death, a grumpy senior Australian Cattle Dog named Rosie, and four rescued pet rats! They are my heart pets. In the past, I have owned hamsters, rats, and a horse! Fun fact: Gary and Rosie are featured in the logo that I made!

 It was always my dream to work with animals; as a little girl in preschool when teachers asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I always said a veterinarian. That remained my dream career choice for my whole educational journey, but in the end I chose a degree in the arts completing my bachelor degree of graphic design in 2019. Animals remained my top priority in life and I continued to work in the animal industry even during and after college. I have been working in this industry for most of my life. Starting out as a dog walker for my neighbors when I was 10, I eventually moved on to overnight pet sitting when I became 16 and I’ve been lovingly watching over peoples beloved pets ever since! When I graduated high school in 2012, I started working at a doggy daycare for the first time. I worked there from 2012-2024 when I had to leave my work family there to start my lifelong journey with Regal Paws. While working there, I was mainly in charge of supervising group play, but I also fed dogs, bathed them, drove them to/from home, and welcomed pet parents at the front desk. I have experience with giving insulin injections to dogs and cats, oral medications, assessment of injuries, knowledge in animal behavior, and a skill in identifying dog breeds! Animals are more than just a hobby for me, they are my entire world and I revolve my whole life around them!

Chris Sr.

For as long as I can remember, I was blessed with having a dog in my life. I think I knew right from the beginning what a special gift to us, they are.  I was the one in the family that was always with the dog.  Even when visiting friends, I was the one their dogs gravitated towards.  After a long, and successful career in financial services, I can’t imagine a better “next” career.  I believe my success came because I learned early on that you focus on helping the people, not managing their money.  And while I did well financially, it didn’t compare to the feeling of helping my client buy their first home, helping them to an early retirement or taking care of the surviving spouse. It is with that same desire that I now turn towards helping you by delivering loving care and understanding to your furry family members.

Chris Jr.

Chris has always been a compassionate person, especially when it comes to caring for animals and kids. Growing up being the big brother of two siblings, Chris is someone who is always there to care for and guide those who need it due to his helpful nature. He is a great leader that has spent many years being a manager and source of guidance for his coworkers and peers. Chris also has a way with animals. They feel safe when with him and often curl up next to him or on his lap. He currently has a cute little Havanese named Lyla that just adores him; she follows her dad everywhere!

Princess Prudence

Prudence is our family's 6 y/o goldendoodle that is known at Regal Paws as our "embassadoodle" for her charming personality and love to greet all people and animals. Prudence was found as a puppy in an unfortunate situation, we couldn't resist her sweet disposition, so we welcomed her into our family only just a year after losing our previous goldendoodle Noel to melanoma cancer. Prudence is the main dog we use for our enrollment interviews because she is very docile and respectful of other dogs' personal space.

Princess Lyla

Lyla is the "dogter" of our one owner Chris Jr. and she is as cute as a button! Lyla is a 2 y/o Havanese that sticks to her "dad" like glue. She loves to greet people from the counter of our reception area. Lyla loves kids and other little dogs. She plays very well with the puppies that come to Regal Paws. Lyla is our greeter for any little dog or puppy coming for an enrollment interview.

Queen Rosie

Rosie is an 11 y/o Australian Cattle Dog aka red heeler. She's a typical heeler; independent, bossy, work oriented, and has all the attitude in the world wrapped into one compact body. Rosie excelled as a recreational disc dog thru her youth learning all sorts of tricks like backflips, bringing the disc closer to the throwers feet when commanded "to my feet", and even knowing which color disc to search for and bring back. Rosie fully retired from her activities when she developed cataracts and became fully blind at 10 years old. Still, Rosie maintains her attitude and only cares for her "mom" Monica, her "brother" Gary the cat, Prudence, and select people. Rosie is featured in our logo alongside her "brother" Gary.

Prince Gary

Gary is the prince of our family and the most behaved gentleman. He is a 13 y/o domestic shorthair with only one eye. Gary was raised by our late goldendoodle Noel and therefore thinks he is a dog and loves dogs a lot. Monica found Gary as a 4-week-old kitten on a farm that had lots of feral cats. He was near-death, loaded with fleas to the point of anemia, an upper respiratory infection that clogged his eyes with discharge, and so emaciated it was clear he hadn't eaten in many days. Despite being allergic to cats, Monica took him to the vet and he became a permanent part of the family. Gary lost his left eye to melanoma cancer at 10 years old. You can find Gary incorporated in our logo with his iconic wink.